Save custom settings when reload octav
1) If I have enabled "Pro Edit" it should remain enabled whenever I reload Octav [ save state on localstorage maybe to achieve this - easy way]
2) Upon Editing transaction -> If I close popup it asks for 3 option ->
- Review Later
- Validate
- Discard
I would like to have ability to skip this confirmation by saving it as "Review Later" and not go through 2nd popup
[ Can be user specific -> Have a toggle button when enabled it would skip confirmation else it stays as it is now with no changes to users ]
3) Advanced Filters hidden [ Same request as "Pro Edit" i.e., show details about filters only when clicked and not by default ]
This can again be kept in some settings menu and users like me can disable it while for others it stay as it is if they don't touch this toggle
Why? -> Takes up screen and people like me who reload page quite often have to click again on all this - hence would reduce repetitive activity
PS: I would like my page to reload like in screenshot